631-988-5996 [email protected]

A Magical Program That Has Earned Thousands of Dollars for Many Community Organizations Just Like Yours!

“A great fundraiser for schools and youth-oriented groups!”



RAISED $3,500 for Spul’u’kwuks Elementary

“This show is the perfect opportunity to raise a large amount of money!”


$13,000 for St. Augustine School

“The Project Kit is filled with great information that we’ll be able to use as a guideline for all future fundraisers!


RAISED $4,500 for Crescent Park Elementary

Amazing Ivan’s Insane Illusions Magic Show Fundraising Event is a Highly Memorable 1 day event that is brought into your community and delights the many families and VIPs that attend.

This Program Will:

raise thousands of dollars.

have people talking for years about the fun they had.

allow you to reduce the amount of small fundraisers you have to do throughout the year.

have members of your community thanking you instead of you feeling guilty about pushing people to buy things that they don’t want or running a raffle where there is only 1 winner and 99% of contributors receive nothing for their money.

harness goodwill from bringing a positive family event to the community and raise awareness of your group! this means increased membership and increased participation.

allow you to take the successful methods you’ll learn from hosting such an event and apply them to all your future fundraisers – instantly making more money with each and every other fundraiser you do!



Ivan Stratienco is one of the most popular entertainers in the tri-state area. Dazzling audiences for over a decade, Ivan’s entertainment has a style & personality all it’s own.

Ivan’s performance is nothing short of is HIGH ENERGY, and NONSTOP, MAGICAL FUN! Bitten by the “magic bug” at the age of 12, his childhood hobby has turned into a stellar career. Years after his start in magic, Ivan performs hundreds of shows each year and amazes audiences large and small.

He strives to dedicate 110% to each and every show, no matter the venue. Lady Gaga said, “Ivan’s Magic is crazy!” while Guinness World Records named Ivan Stratienco “Officially Amazing!”

Ivan also gets an enormous amount of enjoyment from charity work. Each year dozens of groups come to Ivan Stratienco to headline their fundraisers and benefits.

Working with Long Island Dyslexia Association, the TLC Foundation, EAC Network, Camp Sunshine, as well as many nursing homes and hospitals, Ivan’s magic has touched a countless number of lives.

Over the years I found out my magic show could help Groups and Organizations with Fundraising.


Step #1. Have the right event
Focus on the right market. At this time the demand for ” Family Entertainment” is at an all-time high. The reason for that is … demographics. The baby-boomer generation accounts for the largest population bulge by far, and right now the boomers are raising children of their own. Result: An enormous family market! If you want an event fundraiser that’s virtually guaranteed to succeed, stay away from special interest or “niche markets” and go with something that has a built-in, ready-made, large audience. Magic has long been recognized as the ideal family entertainment. It crosses over generational boundaries and indeed brings out the child in all of us … something parents can enjoy right along with their children.


Step #2. Set a goal and follow your plan
Not doing this is the main reason why many fundraising efforts fail. Without a clear goaland plan of action to get you there, everything is left up to chance. And with so many worthwhile organizations all competing for dollars to sustain their activities, you simply cannot afford to make this mistake. Goals should be set for your entire yearly fundraising agenda as well as for individual fundraising efforts. The best plan “dovetails” one fundraiser into another, allowing you to achieve maximum results with minimum effort.


Step #3. Publicize your event
You need to create publicity that builds awareness and draws huge crowds to your event. One way to do this is through the use of top-notch, professionally produced posters, flyers, and media advertising materials. Another is by staging publicity stunts, involving local “celebrities”, holding contests, giving away free tickets, and so on. A little later I’ll be discussing some real-life examples that sponsors of my magic shows have used to tremendous effect.


Step #4. Multiply your manpower and increase participation
Nobody – especially those faced with the challenge of raising funds for their school, club or organization – wants to go it alone. Unfortunately, these days it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people who are willing or able to commit time to the various projects required of them. That’s why it’s essential to make it easy, make it fun and make it rewarding for people to join-in. And the number one thing you must always do for everyone that assists with your project is to give recognition and thanks for their efforts.


Step #5. Maximize your earnings potential
Since most “event fundraisers” are one-day affairs, you must be able to wring the most dollars out of the effort. The best way to do this is through Piggyback Fundraisers … a technique you can use immediately to double, triple, even quadruple your earnings from all of your events! You’ll be introduced to several amazing Piggyback Fundraisers that have proven over and over again to be wildly successful for sponsors of my magic shows and other events.


In order to further explain some of these techniques and strategies, let me introduce you to the Project Kit … the proven, guaranteed fundraising system that I’ve developed to help sponsors turn family fun into thousands of dollars with my magic shows.

Here is what you get:


1. Project Manual

-this is the instructional manual for the whole program.

-outlines everything you need to do from our first meeting to the show day

2. Publicity Generating Advertising tools

including everything you need to create desire in your event & make your event high profile:

-press releases

3. Dynamic Promotional Strategies Guide
-many strategies included
4. Best Ways To Sell Tickets Guide
-many strategies included

5. Profit-Building Piggyback Fundraisers Guide
-souvenir program instructions

-celebrity pledge contest instructions

-many more strategies included


As a sponsor of my show, you have 3 main considerations:

1. Provide a Facility

2. Promote the Show

3. Pocket the Profits

Your Total Investment for Amazing Ivan’s Magic Show
Fundraising Event is:

-5 Star Google Review
-My website link on your website
-Shout me out on your social media & in an email blast

Circulate this information to your committee so that everyone involved with the decision can become thoroughly familiar with how my program is set up – and what makes it light years ahead of similar programs they may have experienced. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to have this proven program turn family fun into thousands of dollars for your group. Book early to secure your spot on my Spring 2021 schedule while there are still great dates available to choose from.